A Few Hours of Fame — Front Page in the Huffington Post

A Few Hours of Fame — Front Page in the Huffington Post

DETROIT, Michigan, October 22, 2012 ― A nearly two thousand word article and interview, 15 photos, and an excerpt from the book. (See link below). It was only for a few hours, but it thrilled me to see an online article touting Charles’ book, Border Crossings: Coming of Age in the Czech Resistance make the front page of the Huffington Post, Detroit. And such extensive coverage!  I smiled. No, I grinned.

After numerous contacts with the editor, I caught her attention and somehow kept her interest alive. I had hoped the article would get out before the Book Launch Party to bring in a big crowd, but for that the stars were on my side – the crowd was big without the article and the article came out the next day to keep the momentum going and my spirits high.  It cheered me since I lamented the AWOL photographer and forgetting to bring a guest book  — . especially since the wall-to-wall lively mob of friends, neighbors and family was definitely a sight worth documenting for Facebook, websites and other essential author platform PR venues.  Who would believe a book launch was so crowded its guests spilled out the door onto the sidewalk?  And it was like that for one hour and forty-five minutes! The photo pictured here was taken near the end of the event. (When I finally realized there was no “official” photographer present.

If you have ever made a front page headline or story, please tell us about it.


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