Border Crossings at SC4 Global Awareness Day

Border Crossings at SC4 Global Awareness Day


globalhorizontalSt. Clair County(Michigan) Community College’s 18th annual Global Awareness Day is set for Wednesday, November 19, 2014. This year’s theme is “Holocaust, Persecution and Refugees.”

The day’s schedule includes emotional stories from survivors and refugees and experts discussing current refugee crises, including in Iraq, Syria and Ukraine.

All events are free and in the Fine Arts Theatre on the college’s Port Huron, Michigan (48061-5015) campus at  323 Erie Street.  Global Awareness Day is presented by the college’s Global Awareness Taskforce.

bcsandynovacekembassycr400I’m honored to be doing the evening keynote to tell Charles’ story!

  • 7 to 8:30 p.m. – “Resistance.” Sandra A. Novacek will share the story of her late husband, Charles Novacek, who was a member of the Czech underground resistance during World War II against the Nazis, as well as his resistance against the Soviet communists after the war. 

Here’s the rest of the day’s schedule, starting at 10 a.m.

  • 10 to 11:15 a.m. – “Natalia’s Story.” Hear the dramatic story of Natalia Malaydakh, who was rescued by a local American family after her homeland of the Ukraine was invaded by Russia. Her host parents, Linda and Greg Binda worked tirelessly to bring her to the U.S. Learn about her experience, which is part of the larger story of what is happening in the Ukraine today, and hear how one family chose to make a difference.
  •  12:30 to 1:45 p.m. – “Holocaust survivors Rene Lichtman and Esther Lupian.” Rene Lichtman and Esther Lupian, who were children when the Nazis were rounding up Jews for execution, will share their stories. Rene was living in France when the war began and hid in plain sight after being adopted by a family who risked their lives to keep him safe. Esther’s mother saved her by escaping the ghetto and living in the forest for months.
  • 2:30 to 3:50 p.m. – “Rescue.” Although much credit has been given to gentiles who rescued Jews during the Holocaust, research is coming to light about Jewish rescuers. Rene Lichtman will discuss the current research on this topic followed by a screening of the film “On the Wings of Eagles.” The film tells the story of the community of Le Chambon, which was responsible for saving 3,000 to 5,000 Jews from certain death.
  •  4 to 5 p.m. – “ISIS, Persecution and Refugees.” In Iraq and Syria, many people fear for their lives as ISIS advances. Rampant sexual slavery, forced marriages, torture, beheadings and mass executions are causing a flood-tide of refugees. Hear Dr. Bassim Gorial, founder and CEO of the Arab Broadcasting Network, discuss the current persecution of those who differ from the radical ideology of ISIS.
  • 6 to 7 p.m. – “International Reception in SC4’s Fine Arts Galleries.” Join us for a meet and greet with SC4’s international students and foreign exchange students from local high schools. The international students represent several countries, each with their own unique culture and way of life. Refreshments will be provided.
  • 7 to 8:30 p.m. – “Resistance.” Sandra A. Novacek will share the story of her late husband, Charles Novacek, who was a member of the Czech underground resistance during World War II against the Nazis, as well as his resistance against the Soviet communists after the war. She will be draw upon his story featured in “Border Crossings: Coming of Age in the Czech Resistance.”

For more information about SC4’s Global Awareness Day, contact Kraig Archer at or (810) 989-5695.

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